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Info + Contact

—  About me, social media, and how to get in touch

I can’t close my eyes.

This world is too beautiful, too full of adventures to have, discoveries to make, and stories to tell.

Story-telling is in my veins. Images, songs, movies, comedy - wherever there’s a story being told, I’m a wide-eyed, curiosity-piqued audience. I’m irresistibly drawn-in and captured by good stories.

To be honest, we all are.

That’s marketing. That’s photography. That’s your brand: A STORY.
I can’t tell it for you - that’s your job, and no one tells it better than YOU!
What I want to do is help YOU tell YOUR STORY.


You’re already changing the world - I’d love to help.

- Cody

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Let’s talk.

Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.  The majestic, rugged beauty of the wilderness is the constant source of fuel to my creative fire.

Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.
The majestic, rugged beauty of the wilderness is the constant source of fuel to my creative fire.